Blood Pressure: The How-To Guide

12:55 PM

Did you know there's a right way to take your blood pressure? Unfortunately, fasting doesn't fit within the conditions ideal for an accurate measurement, which is why blood pressure rechecks are always offered after the annual wellness screening. Additionally, there are several other factors that can produce an inaccurate, elevated reading.

In order to ensure the most accurate blood pressure reading, consider following these guidelines:

  • Leading up to the measurement, avoid caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol; be sure to stop exercise at least 30 minutes prior, and empty your bladder.
  • Sit for a few minutes, quietly, with your back supported and feet flat on the floor, with your legs uncrossed.
  • During the reading, provide your bare arm, as a cuff over clothing can add 10-40mm Hg to your reading. Additionally, make sure your cuffed arm is supported at heart level.
If you still find that your blood pressure is over the 130/80 benchmark for incentive and you'd like to work on reducing it, please contact Lauren at extension 2137.

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