Yoga for Everyone: Legs Up the Wall and Its Benefits

8:00 AM

I find when I talk about yoga that I often run into people that think there's no way they can do it. It has a bit of an intimidation factor, which I can understand if what of you've seen of yoga is ridiculously flexible people in handstands with their backs arching to the degree that they can touch their feet to their head. 

The truth is, anyone can do yoga in some form. The beauty of yoga is that it emphasizes a focus on your own, personal journey, not to mention its deeply restorative nature, which serves to relieve stress and energize all at the same time. The pose I have for you today is a simple one, but it carries many benefits. 

Legs Up the Wall (Vaparita Karani)

To get into this pose, find a wall, lay on the ground with your legs and bottom pressed into the wall, and if possible, place a rolled up towel or blanket under your hips to elevate them off of the ground. Close your eyes for relaxation, and practice diaphragmatic "deep belly" breathing for restoration.

If you've ever experienced headaches, stress, back pain, digestive trouble, fatigue, swelling in your extremities (edema), tired/sore legs and feet, menstrual cramps or fertility struggles, this is the pose for you.

For most of the day, the average person sits or stands, forcing the body to fight against gravity and compression of the spine, which can lead to swelling in the feet and legs, as well as back pain. Inversion allows uses gravity in its favor, giving your body the chance to decompress, allowing your heart a break, and rerouting blood flow away from the legs and to other organs (including the digestive system) to function more optimally.

You can find improved health from just 3-5 minutes of inversion daily. Grab a towel or blanket and a wall and try it out! If you fall asleep while you're at it, I won't judge.

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