The Sitting Disease

10:44 AM

You may have heard by now the saying that "sitting is the new smoking." Ever seen the Disney movie Wall-E, with all of those people who sit everywhere they go? Turns out, the average American isn't too far off from that reality with our current culture. While the visual may be extreme, did you know that Americans, on average, only walk or stand for three hours each day?

So why is sitting so bad, and what can you do about it if you have a desk job?

The good news is, if sitting is the new smoking, we have the power to reverse the trend. Education is power. If you would like to work on a more specific game plan for including more activity in your daily routine, please contact Lauren at ext. 2137.

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  1. Thanks for sharing this info-graphics with us! Unfortunately, how sedentary behavior impacts our health in negative ways is unclear and complex for lots of people. I'd like to advise you reading this article about the harm sedentary lifestyle may cause to our health.Did you know that too much sitting increases the risk of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer?


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