The Cleaner Chocolate Chip Cookie

1:19 PM

Let me begin by stating the obvious - a cookie is a cookie, and no matter what form they come in, they're not going to make you a healthier version of yourself. That being said, sometimes you just need to treat yourself, am I right? And if you can satiate your cravings with a healthier version of a treat you love, over time it can add up to create a big impact.

As someone who made the switch to a Paleo lifestyle almost two years ago, I thought the transition was pretty simple. Creating meals with clean meats and lots of vegetables is pretty straight forward. But when it comes to my insatiable sweet tooth, I could just never make Paleo desserts taste the way I wanted them to. Until I randomly came across a cookie recipe I found suggested in the comments section of a Facebook page I belong to.

So here it is, for you. Free of refined flours and sugars, but with loads of flavor. This is a slightly crisp cookie, but it dissolves in your mouth beautifully. Warning - be sure you have plenty of people in place to help you enjoy these. Because although they don't carry the negative health consequences of conventional sweets, a cookie is still a cookie, after all, and these may tempt you to eat six in one sitting.


Yields one dozen cookies


1 cup almond flour (typically found in the gluten free baking area of grocery stores. I find it cheaper in the bulk section at Fresh Thyme)
1/3 cup coconut oil, melted
2 T. pure maple syrup
1 T. vanilla
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 c. semi-sweet chocolate chips (I use the Enjoy Life brand, as they are dairy, nut & soy free, which are common gut irritants. They only contain three ingredients and can be found at most grocery stores)


1. Be sure almond flour is ground to a fine consistency. I like to run mine through my food processor as a first step.
2. Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl and refrigerate for about 30 minutes, to allow mixture to rise.
3. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line cookie sheet with parchment paper.
4. Roll about 2 T. of mixture into a ball, then flatten slightly, like you would a hamburger patty.
5. Continue with the rest of the mixture, then bake for 15-20 minutes.


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