Resolve to Keep Your Resolution

1:06 PM

Call them resolutions, goals or best intentions—the new year always feels like the perfect time to start fresh and aim big. However, according to a FranklinCovey survey, thirty-five percent of us who make New Year's resolutions break them by the end of January. And only 23 percent of everyone who makes a resolution will see it through to completion.

So how do you make yourself fit into the 23 percent? Start by making your goals SMART:

As an example, many people make a resolution to exercise more or to eat better. But how will you define success? A SMARTer goal would be to exercise three times per week, incorporating at least 20 minutes of cardio and strength training for two muscle groups, so that you can run around with your grandchildren when summer rolls around. Or when it comes to nutrition, your goal could be to cut down to eating one meal out each week by preparing 20 freezer meals on the first Saturday of each month, so that you always have a quick, healthy meal available to throw in the crockpot.
If you would like help creating SMART resolutions, or if you would just like the accountability of having someone check in with you, please contact Lauren at ext. 2137.

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