Wired for Wellness Services

8:00 AM


Fitness Assessment/Body Composition Assessment
A fitness assessment is a series of tests that helps your trainer determine your physical fitness level and aids in developing your personalized program. The results can identify your strengths and weaknesses in relation to your physical fitness and help in setting attainable fitness goals. Whether working on your own or with a trainer, a fitness assessment is a valuable tool used to establish baseline measurements and can be used to monitor your performance and assess your progress throughout your exercise training. A body composition assessment can be done in conjunction with a fitness assessment or on its own and includes weight, body fat percentage and measurements. If you are trying to change your body composition, this assessment will give you multiple ways to measure your success. To schedule an assessment, contact Lauren Almdale at ext. 2137.

Personal Training
Personal training is for you, whether you are looking to begin an exercise program but are not sure where to start, or you are an avid exerciser and are looking to take your workout to the next level. Lauren will first meet with you to determine your needs and will create an individualized program. The two of you will then meet in an on-going one-on-one setting, where Lauren will walk you through your program and continue to check in on your progress, making changes as needed. For more information and to schedule an appointment, contact Lauren at ext. 2137.

Wellness Coaching
Wellness coaching is a time for one-on-one conversation with on-site coach, Lauren Almdale. Whether you need tips for making changes to improve your health and wellness, or you are just looking for a source of accountability, Lauren can help you to set goals and work toward them. Meet once or on an on-going basis, as needed. Wellness topics include, but are not limited to smoking cessation, stress management, nutrition, physical activity, weight management and chronic disease prevention/management. For an appointment, contact Lauren at ext. 2137.

Blood Pressure Screening
Lauren is available to help you track your blood pressure readings. If you would like to have your blood pressure taken, please contact her at ext. 2137.


On-Site Fitness Centers
Fitness Centers are located upstairs in ABA and upstairs in Avionics and are open to employees and their families. Contact Lauren to fill out a waiver and get started.

On-Site Group Exercise
A rotating group exercise schedule is currently being offered weekly. The classes are currently offered seasonally and include Pilates, Couch to 5k training, and Walk to Win.

FWM Race Team
Whether you are new to exercise or a veteran, whether you walk, run or cycle, sign up for the FWM race team to participate alongside other employees, and to give yourself a goal to work toward and accomplish. For more information on how to become part of the FWM race team, please contact Kym Crandell.

Monthly Wellness Challenges
Each month, a challenge is offered to encourage you to adopt a specific wellness habit. Whether the focus is on getting better sleep, eating more nutritiously, reducing your stress, or fitting more physical activity into your routine, the hope is that by committing for 30 days, you can start to create wellness habits that can last for a lifetime.


Corporate Challenge
The YMCA's Corporate Challenge is a fun way to compete in physical challenges against other local companies, for bragging rights and a trophy. Sign ups are available in the summer through the intranet.

Wellness Screening
Know your numbers – each fall, you and your spouse have the opportunity to go through a short, simple screening process to learn more about your health and what changes you can make to improve it.

YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program
If you and/or your spouse are at risk for type 2 diabetes, the YMCA's Diabetes Prevention Program provides a supportive environment where you can work with others in a small group setting to learn how to adopt healthy habits to reduce your chances of developing the disease. The program, which is led by a trained Lifestyle Coach in a classroom setting, is delivered over a 12-month period, beginning with 16 weekly sessions followed by monthly maintenance. You will learn strategies for eating healthier, increasing your physical activity and making other changes that will improve your overall health and well-being. National Institutes of Health research has proven that programs like the YMCA's Diabetes Prevention Program can reduce the number of cases of type 2 diabetes by almost 60%. For more information and to see if you qualify, contact Lauren Almdale at ext. 2137.

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