Healthy Fort Wayne: Trails & Parks

8:00 AM

While you're focusing on reducing your screen time through the month of July, it's the perfect time to get outdoors and focus on fitting some fun activity in. Whether you're walking your dogs, riding your bike, or playing with your kids, Fort Wayne Parks and Trails offer many opportunities to get out and get moving.

Fort Wayne Trails has built ninety miles of trails to date, with 64 of those miles connected to each other. With trails downtown, branching out in every direction in the city, it's not hard to find one. I live in Markle now, but when my husband and I lived on the south side of Fort Wayne, I was able to walk to the end of our street and meet up with the Rivergreenway. I spent a lot of time, training for distance races, on that trail, especially running through Foster Park. I often ran before the sun and always felt safe. It was a welcome place for my dog to join me, and most people would offer a friendly wave when passing by. In the heat of the summer, the trees along the trail offered shade, and in the winter, even early in the morning after a snow fall, I would find the trail plowed. If I had to pick the thing I miss most about living in Fort Wayne, it would have to be having easy access to the extensive trail system.

To find a trail near you, and to see what Fort Wayne Trails has planned for expansion, check out their map.

If you're looking for a way to encourage your family to be active together, Fort Wayne Parks may offer an opportunity for you. You can find a map of Fort Wayne's 86 parks here. Additionally, the parks department offers many programs the can help you in your efforts to be more active--as a family or solo--while also giving you a chance to connect socially with others. The entire summer schedule of programs can be found here.

Whatever helps you to get there, turn the electronics off and make your way outside. As we know too well, living in the midwest, this summer will be gone all too soon. Take advantage and enjoy it now!

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